Introductory Short Story

Bill Holly had a bad feeling when he woke up in his Laketown apartment that evening. It wasn’t just the hangover, there was something else. A vague sense of loss, of pain, but not inside him. It was outside of him, somewhere out there, beyond the four walls of his bedroom, on the street or in the subway, or perhaps in another similar apartment across town. (more...)

Monday, January 15, 2007


The City of Laketown

Laketown is a grim port city, where slum dwellers scrape out an uneasy existence alongside a wealthy corporate elite. It is a place where evil gangsters and vicious hoodlums fight for supremacy, and the shadows always threaten to hide what you fear the most - the unknown.

The Withers

The Withers is the tenderloin district of Laketown. It is a dangerous, violent place, full of low-lifes, anarchists, and the various criminal elements. The Withers is not a safe place for anyone, street punk, cop, federal agent, armed or otherwise. Cops always entered this place in large teams, always heavily armed, often in armoured vehicles.

Paranormal Scientific Investigation Agency (PSIA) Office

The PSIA office is small, one of only several in the country, and placed here because of the sheer volume of unexplained incident reports on the desks of local law enforcement. There are half a dozen or so open plan desks, and a couple of agents wearing white business shirts and loosened ties, bleary eyed and slouched over their coffees, poking at their computer keyboards.

The Venetian blinds in the windows of the main office are open and Stan Galloway, the boss, is pacing the room and talking on the phone. Newspaper clippings are tacked a notice board. A map of Laketown is punctured with red and green pins, a crowded patch of red around the docks area. There are a number of photos. Some are well known crime bosses, including the taut face of Elden Garcia, a rising personality in the Laketown criminal scene, pictured with an associate sitting inside a restaurant. There are other less determinate photographs – a shot from the back of a boat looking into the sun, a strange wisp of light in the shadow of distant hills, and what appears to be a deranged lunatic leaping from a window cleaning elevator high above the city.

FBI Field Office and Police HQ

The FBI and Police of Laketown have a good working relationship. Much of their work involves dealing with organised crime, and out-of-control genetic mishaps that have escaped from government laboratories.

McArnie's Lakeside Tavern and Popular Hotels

The Paranormal Scientific Investigation Agency’s preferred haunt is "McArnie’s. McArnie's is a pleasant quayside tavern with wooden tables and frost-patterned windows.

On a typical evening, looking out from McArnie's across the quay, you can see the angled masts of the marina bathe in the dim glow of hunched street lamps, and specks of light glint through the darkness from the boat traffic further out on the lake. Inside McArnie's, alcoves and snugs line the inner wall. A few small weather worn sailing boats are suspended from the ceiling. There are model ships on the ledge above the bar a clipper, schooners, an ironclad, and several old sailing boats of local fame.

The Tattler’s Rest" is the favourite place for the local police, and many from the Laketown FBI field office.

The Docks

The docks are a place of darkness and deceit, where contraband enters the city, and rats scurry along warehouse rafters armed with machine pistols.

The Lake

Lake Minosi is a large lake, hundreds of miles across. There have been sightings of sunken vessels, sailing in the twilight mists, and unusual activities undertaken by the National Security Agency on these waters

The Bahar Desert

Some miles west of Laketown lies this desert, where fossils and exceptional historical geological activity has been discovered.

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